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Black Sheep Gathering — 2009

Wool and Mohair Show Results

Sheep Show Angora Goat Show Fiber Arts Show
Wool Show

Judged by Mark Eidman:
Red Bluff, California

Black Sheep Cup for the Five Most Valuable Handspinning Fleeces from a Single Producer:

Hub Corriedales, Bonanza, Oregon

Champion Colored Fleece

Camel Rock Ranch, Chiloquin, Oregon - Merino.

Reserve Champion Colored Fleece

Shady Oaks Shetlands, Creswell, Oregon - Shetland.

Champion White Fleece

Elizabeth Hubbard, Hub Corriedales, Bonanza, Oregon - Merino.

Reserve Champion White Fleece Ave Vandenack, Ace 'N the Hole Ranch, Myers Flat, California - Romney
Awards listed are recipients of first place ribbons unless noted.
Solid Natural Colored Common and Braid Breeds (44s and coarser) Ace 'N the Hole Ranch, Myers Flat, Calif. -
Romney AV1-506.
Solid Natural Colored Long Wool Breeds (46s-50s) ANIROONZ Sheep Company, Wellington, Colo. - Wensleydale 829.
Solid Natural Colored Medium Wool Breeds (52s - 58s) Black Pines Sheep, Eaton, Colo. Wensleydale/Romeldale CVM X 434.
Solid Natural Colored Fine Wool Breeds (60s - Finer) Black Pines Sheep, Eaton, Colo. Romeldale CVM 527.
Veriegated Natural Colored Common and Braid Breeds (44s and coarser)

Silver Creek Lambscapes, Silverton, Ore. - Coopworth.

Variegated Natural Colored Long Wool Breeds (46s - 50s)

ANIROONZ Sheep Company, Wellington, Colo. - Wensleydale 454.

Variegated Natural Colored Medium Wool Breeds (52s - 58s) Ramifications, Chiloquin, Ore. -
Corriedale x Romney R066
Variegated Natural Colored Fine wool breeds (60s and finer) Camel Rock Ranch, Chiloquin, Ore. - Merino, Obasan.
Purebred Colored Romney JK Korral, Grants Pass, Ore. JKK 226.
Purebread Colored Lincoln Redfield Garret Raanch, Glendale, Ore. 101
Purebred Jacob bide-a-wee farm, Newberg, Ore. baw1.
Purebred Colored Corriedale VT Natural Colored Corriedales, Yreka, Calif. KVT008
Purebred Colored Common and Braid Breeds (44s and coarser)

No entries.

Purebread Colored Long Wool Breeds (46s - 50s) ANIROONZ Sheep Company, Wellington, Colo. - Wensleydale 830.
Purebred Colored Medium Wool Breeds (52s-58s) No first class fleece.
Purebred Colored Fine Wool Breeds (60s and finer) Nebo Rock Ranch, Covelo, Calif. -  Merino A-6 K5
White Common and Braid Breeds (44s and coarser)

Ace 'N the Hole Ranch, Myers Flat, Calif. -
Romney AV17-621.

White Long Wool Breeds (46s-50s) Hub Corriedales, Bonanza, Ore. - Corriedale X 767.
White Medium Wool Breeds (52s-58s) Nebo Rock Ranch, Covelo, Calif. - Merino X A-8 K29.
White Fine Wool Breeds (60s and finer) Humble Hills, Franklin, Mo. - Merino 8.
Purebred White Romney Ace 'N the Hole Ranch, Myers Flat, Calif. - AV21-806.
Purebred White Lincoln ANIROONZ Sheep Company, Wellington, Colo. - 722.
Purebred White Corriedale Hub Corriedales, Bonanza, Ore. - 705.
Purebred White Common and Braid Breeds (44s and coarser Silver Creek Lambscapes, Silverton, Ore. - Coopworth.
Purebred White Long Wool Breeds (46s-50s) Ace 'N the Hole Ranch, Myers Flat, Calif. - 
Romney AV25-813.
Purebred White Medium Wool Breeds (52s-58s) Craneview Ranch, Lakeview, Ore. - Targhee Roxy.
Purebred White Fine Wool Breeds (60s and finer) Hub Corriedales, Bonanza, Ore. - Merino 519.
Shetland Yearling or Younger Shady Oaks Shetlands, Creswell, Ore. - Whimsy.
Shetland Mature Shady Oaks Shetlands, Creswell, Ore. - Sophia.
Navajo-Churro Two Roans Ranch, Walnut Creek, Calif. - Matilda.
Other Primitive or Double-Coated Juniper Ridge Ranch. Navajo-Churro 12.
Purebred Icelandic DeMoss Mtn Meadow Ranch, New Meadows,
Idaho - DS203
Mohair Awards - Judged by Mac Gilliat, Leakey, Texas
Colored Mohair Champion

Hillside Angora Goats, Norco, California

Colored Mohair Reserve Champion

Namste Farms, Temecula, California

White Mohair Champion

Bucekey Farm, Mountain Ranch, California

White Mohair Reserve Champion

Eureka! Mohair Farm, Tollhouse, California

Mohair Classes - Judged by Mac Gilliat, Leakey, Texas
White Super Fine Kid (24-27 microns) Nebo Rock Ranch, Covelo, Calif.
White Kid (27-30 microns)

Buckeye Farm, Mountain Ranch, Calif.

White Yearling (31-33 microns) Eureka! Mohair Farm, Tollhouse, Calif.
White Fine Adult (33-36 microns) Nebo-Rock Ranch, Covelo, Calif.
White Adult (36 + microns) No first place fleece.
Colored Super Fine Kid (24-27 microns) Hillside Angora Goats, Norco, Calif.
Colored Kid (27-30 microns) Hillside Angora Goats, Norco, Calif.
Colored Yearling (31-33 microns) Namste Farms, Temecula, Calif.
Colored Fine Adult (33-36 microns) No entries.
Colored Adult (36 + microns) Lookingglass Fine Wools, Roseburg, Ore.
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