Black Sheep Gathering — a premier event showcasing fiber and fiber-related products
Marketplace Booth Applications
for 2025 are now available.
Click Here for the form.
The dates for the 2025 show are Friday, June 27 through Sunday, June 29
The venue is the Linn County Fairgrounds and Expo Center located at 3700 KNOX BUTTE ROAD East, ALBANY, Oregon at I-5 exit 234. This location is convenient to I-5 and about one hour south of the Portland metro area. The facilities are up to date and very well maintained. During the Gathering, thousands of people come through the marketplace. It is an excellent place to sell all kinds of fiber-related products and to create exposure for your business.
The Vendor Marketplace will be held in the Willamette Event Center, an expansive space that has Wi-Fi, air-conditioning and nice restrooms. Workshops will be in the same building, convenient for shoppers. The Marketplace also features the Fiber Arts Show, Educational Talks and Demonstrations, and a large Spinning Area. The Information Booth will be in the Foyer of the Event Center. A secure vendor parking area will be provided.
- 5' x 10' @ $125
- 10' x 10' @ $245
- 10' x 15' @ $365
- 10' x 20' @ $490
- 10' x 30' @ $735
- 10' x 40' @ $980
Booth prices do not include tables or chairs, which must be ordered separately on the vendor application. Tables are $5 and chairs are $2 each. Extra tables will not be available at the show.
Booths may be shared by more than one vendor, but only one vendor will be considered the “owner” and each vendor must submit a separate application. No subletting of booths is permitted. Vendors are expected to keep their booths open for the entire show and will not be asked to return in future years if they do not do this. Fire codes require that your booth display not block aisles and must fit into the space allowed. Electricity is available in most of the Vendor Booths for a $25 fee per vendor.
Returning vendors are given priority and new vendors will be considered for any remaining booths. Vendors are chosen to create the most diverse and high quality Marketplace possible. Vendors not chosen this year are welcome to apply next year. The Marketplace Team may reject applications from applicants whose products do not clearly support the Black Sheep Gathering mission statement, or that do not offer at least 75% fiber or fiber animal related products. This policy also applies to returning vendors. If we are concerned that your products may not reach this percentage, we may contact you for clarification.

Move-in and set-up will be from 10am to 8pm on Thursday, June 26th. All booth spaces will be marked prior to this time. Please check in at the vendor hospitality table in the market to see where your booth is located.
The buildings will be open to vendors during these times and will be locked at other times for security: Friday: 8am to 6:30pm; Saturday: 8am to 5:30pm; and Sunday: 8am to 6pm. Marketplace Open to Public Hours: Friday: 9am-6pm; Saturday: 9am-5pm (followed by Potluck 5:30pm); and Sunday: 9am-4pm. RAW wool, mohair and alpaca fleeces may only be sold in the BSG Wool, Mohair and Alpaca Show and Sale, NOT at the Marketplace. Processed or washed fibers can be sold in Marketplace booths.
Please leave your pets at home.
Cancellation / Booth Fee Refund Policy:50% of your application fee is non-refundable. The other 50% can be returned to you, for any reason, up until May 1st. After May 1st, return of 50% of your application fee will be considered on a case-by-case basis. After June 10th, no refunds will be given for any reason. Failure to notify the Marketplace Team in the event of cancellation will disqualify you from consideration for a booth in the future.
Contact the Marketplace Team with Marketplace-related questions. Let us know how we can help you. We hope to see you there.
Marketplace Team:
- Lisa Milliman: BSGmarketteam@gmail.com
- Wendy Hanson: shaggybearfarms@yahoo.com
Send checks and forms to: BSG Market Committee, C/O Dicentra Designs, PO Box 621, Dallas, OR 97338-0621