Judge: Richard Jacobsen
Le Grand, California
I am a 4th generation sheep producer, primarily as a seed-stock producer. My grandfathers and dad raised competitive sheep here in California, going back to the 1940s. I am also a retired high school agriculture instructor where I taught agriculture mechanics, welding fabrication and construction. The program was focused on constucting farming and livestock equipment and was recognized as an award-winning program. I also was fortunate to guide over 30 student teachers into the profession as a master teacher.
My wife, Lesanne and son, Cody, spent our family vacations at stock shows with our sheep families; those blessed times gave us a wholesome environment to grow our family. We competed on the open circuit for 14 years in the 80s and 90s and then focused on Cody’s junior shows from 1998-2008. We currently raise Suffolk and Montadale sheep, exhibiting at the California State Fair and The NAILE in Louisville, Kentucky and marketing at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in Sedalia, Missouri, annually. Lesanne created our direct lamb market at farmers’ markets in a three county area. The grain fed lamb product, harvested by Superior Farms in Dixon, California has been a sought after by foodies, restaurants and locals that enjoy a premium product.
I have judged sheep and wool shows throughout the West coast, All American, state fairs and at the NAILE, as well as open and junior shows. I have also been a sheep and goat superintendent, a position I share with my son, at the California State Fair. I have sat on fair advisory committees and am president of the National Montadale Sheep Breeders Association and vice-president of the North American Suffolk Sheep Society.
Thank you for the opportunity to evaluate the open and junior breeding sheep at the Black Sheep Gathering! I truly look for-ward to seeing everyone.
- Registered Navajo-Churro.
- Registered Shetland.
- Award: The Northwestern Shetland Sheep Breeders Trophy for the Best Young Breeders Flock of Shetland Sheep.
- Registered Jacob.
- Registered and Recorded Valais Blacknose.
- Registered White Lincoln.
- White Registered Long, Medium and Fine Wool Breeds.
- Registered Gotland.
- Registered White Romney.
- BlueFaced Leicester (white and natural colored, 2 white and 2 natural colored allowed per exhibitor, per class).
- NCWGA Primitive breeds.
- NCWGA Registered Long/Coarse Wool (48 and lower).
- NCWGA Registered Medium Wool (50-58).
- NCWGA Registered Fine Wool (60 and finer).
- Natural Colored Romeldale/CVM.
- Award: Romeldale/CVM Award for Best Romeldale in Show and Romeldale/CVM Fleece.
- Reg. Natural Colored Wool Breeds — non-NCWGA flocks.
- Natural Colored Lincoln.
- Registered Colored Romney.
- Omitted letter.
- Omitted letter.
- Registered Primitive Wool.
- Registered Long/Coarse Wool (48 and lower) Junior.
- Registered Medium/Fine Wool (50 and finer) Junior.
- Junior Showmanship (Jr. ages 5-10, Int. ages 11-14, Sr. ages 15-18).
Sunday — Junior Sheep Show — See Livestock Rule 17
ZZZ. Senior Showmanship – ages 15-18.
- Yearling Ram — less than 24 months old.
- Fall Ram Lamb — born September 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024.
- Spring Ram Lamb — born February 1, 2024 and later.
- Pair of Ram Lambs — bred and owned by exhibitor. Must be shown in class 2 or 3.
- Yearling Ewe — less than 24 months old.
- Fall Ewe Lamb — born September 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024.
- Spring Ewe Lamb — born February 1, 2024 and later.
- Pair of Ewe Lambs — owned by exhibitor. Must be shown in class 6 or 7.
- Breeders Young Flock — 1 ram lamb, 2 ewe lambs bred and owned by exhibitor. Must have been shown in classes 2/3 and 6/7.
- Two-year old Ram not born before January 1, 2022 (showing two-year old teeth).
- Yearling Ram – less than 24 months (showing yearling teeth).
- Ram Lamb – born January 1, 2024 and later.
- Pair of Ram Lambs – bred and owned by exhibitor. Must be shown in class 12.
- Two-year old Ewe not born before January 1, 2022 (showing two-year old teeth).
- Yearling Ewe – less than 24 months (showing yearling teeth).
- Ewe Lamb – born January 1, 2024 and later.
- Pair of Ewe Lambs – bred and owned by exhibitor. Must be shown in class 16.
Classes for the following breeds only: Shetlands, Icelandics, Jacobs, Navajo-Churro and Gotlands and Valais Blacknose. Please note birthdates.
Breeder’s Young Flock – enter class 9. Lambs need to be shown in class 12 and 16.
Best Young Flock of Show: Winners of each lot to compete. This is a perennial trophy donated by the Black Sheep Newsletter.
Best Sheep of Show: Champions from each lot to compete. This is a perennial trophy in Glen’s memory donated by the Black Sheep Gathering organization.
Promote your farm and support the BSG by donating your lamb or goat for the 2024 Black Sheep Gathering Potluck.