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Exhibitors and Booth Numbers
Vendors 2019 | Booth Location | Web Site |
3G Fiber | G4 | facebook.com/3GFiberCreations |
Aana Jaana | E18 | https://aana-jaana.com |
Above the Fray | J2 | www.hilltribeart.com |
Abstract Fiber | J17 | www.abstractfiber.com |
Abundant Earth Fiber | G2 | http://abundantearthfiber.com |
Acid Veil Dyeworks | E9 | www.acidveildyeworks.com |
Alexandra's Crafts | I7 | |
Angora Valley Fibers/Pat Fly Designs | I8 | http://flydesigns.com |
Annabelle's Handmade | L7 | |
Apothefaery Luxury Fibers | F17 | www.apothefaery.com |
Aria Design Studio | F13 | http://ariadesignstudio.com |
Athena Spinning | G6 | http://athenaspinning.com |
Aurora Colony Fiberarts | E15 | |
Badger Mountain Farm | H13 | |
Bead Biz | K12 | http://beadbiz.org |
Bellwether Wool Co | F2 | |
BJS Fiber Creations | K7 | |
Black Sheep Newsletter | H2 | http://blacksheepnewsletter.net |
Black Wolf Fiber | E21 | www.blackwolfyarn.com |
Blackberry Patch | E17 | http://www.bpfarms.com/ |
Blue Barn Farm | L4 | |
Boho Knitter Chic Spins | G15 | http://bohoknitterchic.etsy.com |
Carolina Homespun | C9 | https://www.carolinahomespun.com/ |
Celestial Farms | D15 | |
Clemes & Clemes | E23 | http://clemes.com |
Crabtree Farm | E5 | |
Creative with Clay | E12 | http://creativewithclay.com |
Dawn's Custom Carding | G18 | http://dawnscustomcarding.com |
Despondent Dyes | G7 | http://despondentdyes.com |
Dicentra Designs | I13 | http://dicentradesigns.net |
Duncan Fiber Enterprises | L13 | |
Elemental Fiberworks | I16 | www.elementalfiberworks.com |
Eugene Textile Center | J1 | www.eugenetextilecenter.com |
Ewethful Fiber Farm & Mill | K13 | http://ewethfulfiberfarm.com |
Fleebers Farm | K16 | http://fleebersfarm.com |
Folly and Nonsense | K9 | www.follyandnonsense.com |
Fox Hollow Farm | I4 | |
Glimakra USA | L2 | www.glimakrausa.com |
Goat & Shepherd Mohair | B10 | www.goatandshepherdmohair.com |
Goldenwood Soaps | F9 | www.goldenwoodsoap.com |
Gothfarm Yarn | D6 | www.gothfarmyarn.com |
Grace's Cases | J5 | www.gracescasesdesigns.com |
Greenwood Fiberworks | G13 | www.greenwoodfiberworks.com |
Hansen Crafts | G17 | www.hansencrafts.com |
Hazel Rose Looms | K10 | http://hazelroselooms.com |
Hellgate Wool Works | D21 | |
Iron Water Ranch | E17 | |
Island Fibers | H5 | www.islandfibers.com |
Jenkins Woodworking | B13 | http://yarntools.com |
Jodie McDougall Studios | E7 | |
Jorstad Creek | F14 | www.jorstadcreek.com |
Judith MacKenzie Textiles | I12 | |
KCL Woods | J7 | www.kclwoods.com |
Kunihiro Pottery | B14 | http://mkwares.net |
Lani's Lana | F12 | https://www.lanislana.com/home.html |
Lavender Acres | D17 | |
Little House Rugs | F18 | www.littlehouserugs.com |
Loop | D16 | www.loopfiberstudio.com |
Loose Ends Fiberworks | E16 | Loose Ends Fiberworks on Facebook |
Mendocino Wool & Fiber | J6 | www.mendowool.com |
Miss Purl | K5 | http://misspurl.com |
Moon View Alpaca Farm | D7 | |
Mosaic Moon | E22 | https://mosaicmoon.com/ |
Mountain Shadow Ranch | H8 | www.mountain-shadow-ranch.net |
Nanette Wake Studio | F21 | www.nannettewakestudio.com |
Navajo Churro Sheep Corral | K17 | |
Nina's Finds & Refines | D3 | |
Northwest Cashmere Association | H14 | www.nwcashmere.org |
Oh This Nose | E10 | OTN.etsy.com |
Pacific NW Wool | C15 | www.pacificnwwool.com |
Pan's Garden | J13 | |
Paolas Pacas | E19 | |
Peppermint Pastures | C16 | |
Plum Crazy Ranch Fiber Art | C13 | http://plumcrazyfiberart.com |
Purly Shell | I11 | www.purlyshell.com |
RedFish DyeWorks | G12 | http://redfishdyeworks.com |
Renegade Yarn Co. | G22 | www.facebook.com/renyarnco |
Ridge View Alpacas | L5 | www.ridgeviewalpacas.com |
Rock N' More Accents | H3 | www.rocknmoreaccents.com |
Rodger Family Farm | D8 | http://rodgerfamilyfarm.com |
Schildt Ranch/Bear Dog Yarns | G9 | |
Shaggy Bear Farms | H12 | |
Shuttle Creek Weaving | D18 | www.shuttlecreek.com |
Sincere Sheep | G23 | http://sinceresheep.com |
Sinfully Soft, LLC | E3 | www.sinfullysoft.com |
Siren of the skeins | E13 | |
Skaska Designs Ltd. | H16 | www.skaska.com |
Skoog Sheep & Cattle | G8 | www.skoogssheepandcattle.com |
Sojourn Collection | K8 | http://sojourncollection.com/ |
Spinner's Candy | E11 | |
Star Eagle Fiber | D20 | www.stareaglefiber.com |
Stone Cottage Pottery | I2 | |
Teal Torch Knits | D5 | http://etsy.com/shop/tealtorchknits |
The Bag Ladies of Sequim WA | E20 | http://thebagladiesofsequimwa.com |
The Fiber Addict LLC | F16 | www.thefiberaddict.com |
The Un-Ewes-Ual | C8 | |
Thedoza's Angoras | D12 | www.thedozasangoras.com |
Thimbleberry Felt Designs | D2 | http://tylarmerrill.com |
Three Fates Yarn | F20 | www.threefatesyarns.com |
Timberwolf Farm | K11 | www.timberwolffarm.com |
Trillium Valley Farm | L6 | www.trilliumvalleyfarm.com |
Tumbleweed Woodworks | K11 | http://tumbleweedwoodworks.com/ |
Twitchy Hands | F10 | www.colorsongyarn.com |
Two Country Designs | I17 | |
Upstream Alpacas | H7 | www.upstreamalpacas.com |
Unifelt, LLC | G20 | www.unifelt.com |
Valley Oak Wool Mill | D6 | |
Warner Mountain Weavers | F12 | |
Weave Montana | K2 | |
WheelSpinner Fibers | D13 | |
Whimsical Ewe | G21 | www.whimsicalewe.com |
Wiggins & Assoc. | Goat Barn | |
Wild Wool Farm | E8 | http://wildwoolfarm.etsy.com |
Willamette Valley Wool Co. | J15 | |
Williams Wools | B12 | |
Windsor Farms Rabbitry | L17 | |
Woolee Winder | J12 | http://wooleewinder.com |
Wooly Moss Roots | F8 | www.woolymossrootshandmade.com |
Wooly Walkers | F7 | https://woolywalkers.com/ |
Wooly Warren | L18 | |
ZZ Alpacas | J9 | www.zzaplpacas.com |